Thursday, 26 February 2009

Prelim Task

Intro  introduces stereotypes and music sets genre and target audience. We had a German exchange student who was one of our stereotypes we had planned to put her in German clothes and music but we realised after we didn't have time, which we have learned from. We also had another stereotype of a  northern cleaner. Planning the scenes before hand helped us although when it came to editing the match on action didn't make sense. So we had to go back and add a clip in so it flowed. In future we need to plan in  more detail and work it out. Although we did do a storyboard i dont think we realised how much detail we would actually need.

We needed the transaction to be clear and subtle. We also learnt that working in a group of four people wasn't as easy as we would have expected because there were so  many different ideas and opinions it took double the time, also everyone getting a go at filming. We hadn't taken into account the lighting because it puts shadows on people faces which made it unclear to the audience.

Working in a large group made us realise that it wasn't that easy because their were so many different ideas to be heard that no one got a chance to express themselves. Everyone wanted a turn at filming and acting and their wasn't the chance to give everyone a turn.

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