Thursday 26 February 2009

Codes and conventions of film openings.

In our movie we want the audience to be aware what the genre of our movie is straight away. There needs to be a narrative enigma to keep them engaged and on edge for what is going to happen next.
Horrors have many codes and conventions which include, the final girl is usually brown haired and intelligent. The first girl is stereotypically blonde, less intelligent and sexually available. She is the girl who is most likely going to die first.
Signifiers of the genre include blue tint and sharp sherif font used in the titles, there would normally be a signifier too like in scream where to girl says she's going to watch a scary movie. Horror movies tend to target there audience to a middle class audience. Which has similarities to romcom although sometimes they appeal to a higher class also. Codes and conventions of romcoms are as the following the music tends to be fun or romantic music for example on Bridget Jones Diary she sings All by myself - Celine Dion which although is a very romantic song they turn it to comedy. Voice overs are also another convention, used in love actually and Bridget Jones Diary, usually spoken by the main character. There is a large contrast in conventions for horror and romcom as you can see.

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