Friday 3 April 2009


Our group had aims from the beginning of producing the movie. Overall we thought we worked well as a group, if we were to do it again we would of organised our schedule much better. We had alot of re shooting to do which wasted precious time.

If we were to distribute our media product we would probably think warp X would be the institution that would represent us in the right way. We are a low budget, British company. Producing slasher movies. Obviously the movie would have to be to high standard and we would need some money to be able to invest in using these companies, so to get publicity we would put the movie on youtube and myspace for example.

We used codes and conventions from other movies to help our ideas to expand, for instance our protagonist in our movie is a counter type and showed a strong, powerful, independent woman. We were inspired my movies such as Scream, Halloween and The unborn and used inter-textual links from these movies, for example using a dutch angle which we thought worked well in scream, its a signifier of death or something bad about to happen.

Our target audience would be 15 to 24 female and males. After finishing our coursework, i would still stick with this target audience due to the nature of the movie. Our film also represents the middle class this is shown through characters accents and materials, although the accents are northern accents we still think the movie would appeal to a large british audience because of the standard of movie. All characters are heterosexual which is most likely going to appeal to a heterosexual audience. Because our audience is both male and female we believe that our movie has the 'male gaze theory' which means the female cast would attract men to watching the movie, espicaially the final girl as she is strong yet still attractive.

The movie is a fast passed slasher, with screaming girls and great gory material. These factors are what are going to catch the audiences eye and grab them to watch this terrifying movie. The social groups in which we have represented are teenage groups, this is due to our young cast.

I have learnt many different things during the process of making this movie. The two technical aspects of making the movie which i have heightened my level of knowledge on, are garageband, where i found sounds adjusted them and made them fit to my movie and Imovie, this was very easy and fun to use. I would say the thing i have got the most knowledge and help from is the group i am in, we worked well together and when someone was stuck we helped each other which is a great quality to have.

The main thing i struggled with in the preliminary task was transitions and making the movie flow. I thinking our transitions in our movie work well and if we hadn't of done a preliminary task then we would have struggled. The preliminary task helped us show what sources we had to use, when we did the real thing we used the basic things but then we also found new things such as sound levels on our heartbeat. Another problem we had in the preliminary task was our shots and what they conveyed, by planning better for our clip each shot had a meaning behind it.

Overall myself and the group have enjoyed making our media product and have learnt a lot from it for the future media experinces we have.

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